Sunday, July 22, 2007

On Goals

Goals work is life work.
No one just "happens" to write a book. It is a deliberate act of commitment.
April 17, 1997

The bigger the dream, the more resolve required to achieve it. JFK mobilized a whole nation in pursuit of the goal of being first to walk on the moon. The consequences from taking this effort seriously were far reaching at all levels of our culture.

On a personal level, goals taken seriously can have equally far reaching consequences, not only for ourselves, but for our world. When young we feel so small, insignificant and powerless. But the truth is that as we apply ourselves, we can multiply our influence exponentially.

Or we can choose to drift. Drifting is much easier. Like a cork on the sea, you end up wherever the currents push you. If, however, your aim is to arrive in London and you are currently in Singapore, your odds of achieving this objective are significantly reduced if you choose to get there by drifting.

Apply yourself daily to a significant goal, and you may just surprise yourself at what you achieve.

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